FSNAU In Focus
Market Data Update, June 2010
July 20, 2010Read More ....
FSNAU is pleased to announce the release of the New Monthly Market Data Update, which is produced in collaboration with FEWS NET Somalia. This new edition contains eight pages of country and region specific seasonal and long term trends for market price graphs and tables for a number of commodities. The market price data is collected weekly with average monthly values calculated from 39 main markets throughout Somalia covering the period of 1995 -2009....
Food Security and Nutrition Quarterly Brief - Focus on Gu Season Early Warning
June 18, 2010Read More ....
The overall food security situation outlook is favourable for most livelihoods of Somalia, as a result of good Gu rainfall performance. The average to above average rains received in most parts of the country considerably improved pasture and water conditions in pastoral areas and contributed to average crop performance. As a result, livestock conditions have improved across the country, while cereal production is expected to be average to above average in main cereal producing areas....
Post Gu 2010 Assessment Overall Timeline and Plan
June 15, 2010Read More ....
The FSNAU is pleased to present its Post Gu 2010 Assessment timeline and plan for your information. To download the document, click here (PDF, 142KB).
Somalia Micro-Nutrient Study
May 6, 2010Read More ....
FSNAU is delighted to announce the launch the results of the Somalia, National Micronutrient and Malnutrition Study on Thurs May 6th 11-12pm in the FSNAU conference room in Nairobi. This study was conducted in collaboration with UNICEF, WHO, WFP and under the technical leadership of The Institute of Child Health, University of London and is the first of its kind ever to be conducted in Somalia. The objectives of the study were primarily to determine the public health...
Nutrition Update, March-April 2010
May 5, 2010Read More ....
In March 2010, FSNAU began the Gu cycle (March to July) of nutrition surveys and conducted one representative assessment in the Togdheer Agropastoralist population. This was a repeat survey to monitor the situation from 6 months ago, when the results had indicated deterioration to Critical rates of acute malnutrition (16.1%). An interagency rapid assessment, including FSNAU members, was also conducted in Bari region following concern of a possible deterioration and the FSNAU team...
Half of Somali Women and Young Children Suffer from Anaemia
May 5, 2010Read More ....
A recent national study has shown that Somali women and children are suffering from shocking levels of anaemia and Vitamin A deficiencies. 50% of all women, 30% of all school aged children and 60% of children under five were classified as anaemic from the study. The results also show that one third of all children and half of adult women have Vitamin A deficiency.
“Anaemia in Somalia is caused by a range of factors including frequent exposure to diseases which are often untreated...