Market Data Update, June 2010

Issued: July 20, 2010

FSNAU is pleased to announce the release of the New Monthly Market Data Update, which is produced in collaboration with FEWS NET Somalia.  This new edition contains eight pages of country and region specific seasonal and long term trends for market price graphs and tables for a number of commodities.  The market price data is collected weekly with average monthly values calculated from 39 main markets throughout Somalia covering the period of 1995 -2009.

The market price graphs and tables presented in the Monthly Market Data Update publication include:-

  • exchange rates (SlSh & SoSh); commercial imports (petrol, diesel, sugar, vegetable oil, wheat flour and rice) and daily wage rates
  • locally produced cereals (sorghum, maize)
  • livestock and livestock products (local quality goat, cattle, camel and fresh camel and cattle milk)
  • terms of trade (daily wages to cereals and livestock prices to cereals)
  • livestock export numbers and prices
  • price indices (consumer price index and purchasing power index)
  • other food and non-food items (cowpeas, local sesame oil,  charcoal, firewood, kerosene and water)

The Monthly Market Data Update for this month can be accessed through our website at the following link:

We would like to increase awareness and usability of our market price data. In this regard, we encourage users to access our market data stored in the Integrated Data Systems for specific and general needs.  Please do get back to us for any queries or more information through the phone numbers below or by email on:

