Women going to fetch water in Baidoa. FSNAU Dec 2023
MUAC screening of children during the rural assessment in Bay region. FSNAU Dec 2023
Maternal nutrition (MUAC) assessment in Bay agropastoral. FSNAU Dec 2023
Interview with a mother in rural assesment in Bay. FSNAU Dec 2023
IPC Training for FGS and FMS MOAI Technical Staff, Mogadishu, 27 Nov-2 Dec 2023
IPC Workshop
Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Training Workshop.__Maida Hotel, Mogadishu Somalia – 30 Oct - 03 Nov 2023
IPC training workshop for MoLFR, Maida Hotel Mogadishu - 30 Oct 2023
IPC AMN Training in Mogdishu Oct 2023
IPC AMN Training in Mogdishu Oct 2023
FSNAU Staff Core Skills Development Training - Hargeisa, May 2023
FSNAU Staff Core Skills Development Training, Hargeisa - May 2022
Women queuing for water in Baidoa. FSNAU Dec 2022
Newly arriving IDPs joining the old IDP camp in Baidoa. FSNAU Oct 2022
Left - Woman showing edible seasonal green leaves to the enumarator. Right - Women de-husking sorghum. FSNAU Dec 2022
Children with Measles in rural Baidoa. FSNAU Oct 2022
Poor yield sorghum harvest in agropastoral pastoral of Northwest. FSNAU, Dec 2022
Poor Sorghum Crop, War IIsho, Burhakaba, Bay region. FSNAU, Dec 2022
Good sesame crop condition, Jowhar riverine, Middle Shabelle. FSNAU Dec 2022
Good condition rice crop in Jowhar riverine, Middle Shabelle. FSNAU 2022
Average peanut crop in Bay, Baydhabo. FSNAU Dec 2022
Reduced Juba river water, Gedo region. FSNAU Dec 2022
Onion crop in Beledxawo, Gedo riverine. FSNAU Dec 2022
Crop failure in Afgooye agropastoral. FSNAU Dec 2022

In Focus

  • Overview

    The erratic rainfall between May and June 2024 led to a reduction in crop production in agropastoral livelihoods. While the Gu rains improved the pasture and water availabilities in pastoral livelihoods, localised floods affected population in riverine and adjacent urban areas in Hiraan, Gedo, Middle Shabelle and lower Shabelle displacing part of the population. Conflict and insecurity across regions also led to population displacement and disrupted agricultural activities and market access.


    As a consequence, approximately 3.6 million Somalis (19 percent of the population) are in IPC AFI Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse) between July to September 2024. Of these, 2.9 million people (15 percent of the population) are in IPC AFI Phase 3 (Crisis), and around 724 000 people (4 percent of the population) are experiencing worse conditions in IPC AFI Phase 4 (Emergency).

    In comparison to the same period last year, when approximately 3.7 million people were classified in IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse) due to protracted drought, the current figure represents a slight (3 percent) reduction in the number of food insecure population. This is attributed to better rainfall over the past two seasons with a positive impact on livelihoods and continued humanitarian assistance, albeit at a reduced level.

    Further worsening of the food security situation is expected in the projected period from October to December 2024, when below-normal Deyr season rains are anticipated. As a result, the number of people facing IIPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse) is expected to increase to 4.4 million (23 percent of the population).

    Key drivers for acute food insecurity and malnutrition 

    Flooding: Riverine and flash floods caused damages population displacement, crop losses, and disruptions to market access in some southern parts of Somalia.


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Trends in Early Warning - Early Action Indicators

