Women going to fetch water in Baidoa. FSNAU Dec 2023
MUAC screening of children during the rural assessment in Bay region. FSNAU Dec 2023
Maternal nutrition (MUAC) assessment in Bay agropastoral. FSNAU Dec 2023
Interview with a mother in rural assesment in Bay. FSNAU Dec 2023
IPC Training for FGS and FMS MOAI Technical Staff, Mogadishu, 27 Nov-2 Dec 2023
IPC Workshop
Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Training Workshop.__Maida Hotel, Mogadishu Somalia – 30 Oct - 03 Nov 2023
IPC training workshop for MoLFR, Maida Hotel Mogadishu - 30 Oct 2023
IPC AMN Training in Mogdishu Oct 2023
IPC AMN Training in Mogdishu Oct 2023
FSNAU Staff Core Skills Development Training - Hargeisa, May 2023
FSNAU Staff Core Skills Development Training, Hargeisa - May 2022
Women queuing for water in Baidoa. FSNAU Dec 2022
Newly arriving IDPs joining the old IDP camp in Baidoa. FSNAU Oct 2022
Left - Woman showing edible seasonal green leaves to the enumarator. Right - Women de-husking sorghum. FSNAU Dec 2022
Children with Measles in rural Baidoa. FSNAU Oct 2022
Poor yield sorghum harvest in agropastoral pastoral of Northwest. FSNAU, Dec 2022
Poor Sorghum Crop, War IIsho, Burhakaba, Bay region. FSNAU, Dec 2022
Good sesame crop condition, Jowhar riverine, Middle Shabelle. FSNAU Dec 2022
Good condition rice crop in Jowhar riverine, Middle Shabelle. FSNAU 2022
Average peanut crop in Bay, Baydhabo. FSNAU Dec 2022
Reduced Juba river water, Gedo region. FSNAU Dec 2022
Onion crop in Beledxawo, Gedo riverine. FSNAU Dec 2022
Crop failure in Afgooye agropastoral. FSNAU Dec 2022

In Focus

  • Key messages

    •      Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) outcomes are assessed in Somalia from June to September in the areas worst affected by flooding, conflict, and the 2020-2023 drought. Many pastoralists and some agropastoralists are benefiting from recent livestock births, milk availability, and livestock productivity, while in agropastoral and riverine areas, the second consecutive below-average harvest due to flooding is limiting typical seasonal improvement in access to food and income. An estimated 3.8 million people remain displaced, many of whom face moderate to large food consumption gaps and receive inadequate food assistance.


    •      Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Emergency (IPC Phase 4) outcomes will likely persist in some areas from October to January. Favorable flood-recession harvests will become available and livestock births — supported by good conception rates in early 2024 — are expected; however, La Niña conditions will likely bring rainfall deficits in late 2024 and below-average Deyr 2024/2025 harvests. The benefits of the preceding above-average rains on livestock production will likely partially and temporarily mitigate negative impacts on pastoralists’ food security.


    •      The areas of highest concern include IDP settlements, southern riverine areas of Gedo and Middle Shabelle regions, central and coastal pastoral areas, as well as some southern and northern...

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Trends in Early Warning - Early Action Indicators

