FSNAU In Focus
Focus on Deyr Season Early Warning (Quarterly Brief)
November 4, 2010Read More ....
The food security situation in all livelihoods of Somalia remains as classified during the post Gu 2010 analysis (Aug ‘10). The Juba riverine livelihood, where Gu harvest was damaged by the floods in May 2010, has received a good off-season harvest in September this year, which has largely offset the previous losses. However, despite very positive food security and nutrition indicators, the Humanitarian Emergency phase is...
Somalia Nutrition Situation Update, September-October 2010
October 21, 2010Read More ....
The International Medical Corps (IMC) in partnership with FSNAU/UNICEF conducted a nutrition survey in Sanaag region on October 1st-12th, 2010 using the standard methodology . The study aimed at informing on the nutrition situation following the August 2010 Post Gu 2010 nutrition and food security analysis which indicated an Alert nutrition situation, but a food security crisis in parts of Sanaag region (Maps 1...
Galkayo Urban Baseline Report / Profile is published
October 7, 2010Read More ....
From October to November 2009, FSNAU conducted its first baseline livelihood assessment of Galkayo town, including an assessment of IDPs. The main objectives were: to classify and document Galkayo’s urban livelihood system; identify risk factors or hazards and the population’s ability to cope with the shock; to improve the food security monitoring in Galkayo; and inform recovery and development programming and policy. This...
Food Security Post Gu 2010
September 27, 2010Read More ....
The findings of the FSNAU, FEWSNET and partners’ post Gu 2010 seasonal assessment confirm that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Somalia dropped by 25 percent in the first half of 2010. However, about 27% of the total population or an estimated 2 million people still remain in need of emergency humanitarian assistance and/or livelihood support until the end of 2010. The assessment results indicate that improved crop and livestock production, due to...
Nutrition Situation Post Gu 2010
September 17, 2010Read More ....
The nutrition situation shows a varied picture throughout the country, with improvements in northern areas yet a sustained crisis in South Central areas. From April to July 2010, FSNAU and partners conducted a total of 25 representative nutrition surveys. Of these, 8 reported rates of global acute malnutrition (GAM) <10%, 7 reported rates in the 10-15% range, 7 reported rates in the 15-20% range, with the remaining 3 reporting rates >20%. The median national rate of global acute...
Market Data Update, August 2010
September 15, 2010Read More ....
The Consumer Price Index (CPI), measured by price changes for the items included in Minimum Basket, continued to stabilize in most regions of the country during the month of August. The CPI increased marginally (2-3%) in the Northeast and Central, while it reduced (1-5%) in the Northwest and in the South. The changes in the CPI are attributable to sorghum, sugar and wheat flour prices dynamics.
Prices of locally produced cereals have started to decline primarily in main...
Climate Data Update, August 2010
September 15, 2010Read More ....
During the month of August, observed rainfall data from weather stations in Somalia and FSNAU field reports indicate that significant rainfall was received in northwestern regions and parts of southern regions. Borama and Hargeisa in the North recorded 108 mm and 40 mm of rainfall respectively while Marere in the South received 75 mm, which is within normal for the month of August (Map 1). Sunny and dry conditions with minimal rainfall persisted over most places in the central...
FSNAU Post Gu 10 Special Brief, September 2010
September 6, 2010Read More ....
The findings of the FSNAU, FEWSNET and partners’ post Gu 2010 seasonal assessment confirm that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Somalia dropped by 25 percent in the first half of 2010. However, about 27% of the total population or an estimated 2 million people still remain in need of emergency humanitarian assistance and/or livelihood support until the end of 2010. The assessment results indicate that improved crop and livestock production, due to favourable seasonal...
Somalia Humanitarian Crisis Eases but 2 million Somalis Still Need Aid
August 23, 2010Read More ....
23 August 2010, Nairobi - The number of people needing humanitarian assistance in Somalia has dropped by 25 percent to 2 million in the last six months, easing one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, according to a UN study published today. But the report, by the Nairobi-based Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) of the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) with FEWSNET, warned that though Somalia received above average rains,...
GU 2010 Seasonal Climate Update
August 18, 2010Read More ....
Rainfall: The Gu seasonal rains were generally very good and above average in most areas of Somalia with exception of several coastal areas in central and northeast, as well as parts of Sanaag region. This is according to analysis based on remote sensing rainfall estimates (RFE) which was confirmed using SWALIM rain gauge data. The Gu season, which normally starts in April to June, started unusually early this year in most parts of Somalia with...