Analytical Approach / Conceptual Models / Food Security Conceptual Model
Food Security Conceptual Model
The FSNAU bases its understanding of food, nutrition, and livelihood security on four key dimensions: Access, Availability, Utilization, and Stability. The FSNAU has developed a Food Security & Nutrition Analysis System (FSNAS) that holistically integrates both conceptual and analytical aspects of its work, and is underpinned by livelihoods analysis.
Key aspects of livelihoods analysis include an understanding of:
- livelihood strategies (e.g., food/income sources, expenditures, coping strategies)
- livelihood assets (human, financial, physical, natural, and social capital)
- integrated sectoral analysis
- multiple scales of analysis including macro-, meso-, and intrahousehold-level dynamics
- proximate to underlying causes
- resistance
- resilience
- risk management
A special emphasis of the FSNAU is the conceptual and analytical integration of food security and nutrition. FSNAU utilizes a wide range of research methods:-
- nutritional anthropometry and dietary assessments
- satellite imagery and geographic information systems
- market analysis
- household surveys
- coping strategies index (CSI)
- crop and livestock production surveys
- focus groups and key informants
- review of secondary data and reports
- participatory research methods