Sectoral Analysis / Nutrition


Issued: 18 June 2010

Hawd and Addun Nutrition Assessments

In May 2010, FSNAU in collaboration with UNICEF, WFP, Merlin, SRCS and the Ministry of Health of Puntland, conducted two livelihood based nutrition assessments in Central/Northeast regions. The purpose was to review the nutrition situation six months after the November 2009 Deyr assessments, which had indicated a Critical situation, and provide partners with updated information to guide response. A total of 647 children were assessed in the Hawd and 666 in the Addun livelihood zones.

Preliminary findings for the Hawd assessment indicate a global acute malnutrition (GAM) rate of 15.3% (12.3 – 18.9) and a severe acute malnutrition (SAM) rate of 3.9% (2.2 – 6.8).  Statistical analysis of the findings based on the CDC probability calculator indicates a significant improvement in the global acutely malnourished rate (Pr=93.6%) compared to those for the November 2009 assessments when the GAM rate was 19.1% (15.3-23.0), the change however is insignificant in the SAM (Pr=61.6%) compared to 4.3% (2.7 – 5.9) six months earlier. The general improvement in nutrition situation is associated with increased access to milk and milk products following pasture and water availability with the favorable Gu 2010 rains (see Livestock Sector) and humanitarian intervention.  Nevertheless, the crude mortality rate (CMR) is 1.07 (0.64 – 1.79), above ther alert threshold indicates deterioration since November 2009. The 32 reported deaths were attributed to diarrhea (9 cases mainly from Abudwaq), acute respiratory infections (6), malaria (3 from Baadweyne and Harfo), anemia (3) and birth complications (2).

For the Addun livelihood zone, preliminary findings indicate GAM rate of 22.8% (19.2 – 27.0) and SAM rate of 7.1% (4.7 – 10.5) indicating a Very Critical nutrition situation. Statistical analysis based on the CDC probability calculator indicates insignificant deterioration in the global acutely malnourished rate (Pr=62.7%) since the November 2009 assessments when the GAM rate was 20.2% (15.6 – 24.7).  However there is significant deterioration in the SAM (Pr=93.2%) compared to 4.6% (2.8 – 6.3) previously.  Whereas the Gu 2010 rains have also been favorable in the Addun livelihood zone, the area is faced with conflict, and recently has seen a lot  of displacement in addition to limited road transport of food from Bossaso sea port, and therefore affected availability and access.  The CMR is 0.52 (0.30-0.89) and within alert levels.  The 17 reported deaths were mainly attributed to birth related complications (6), accidents/conflict related killings (5) and diarrhea (2) evenly distributed across the clusters. Statistical analysis using the CDC probability calculator also shows a more concerning nutrition situation in the Addun compared to the Hawd, both for the GAM (Pr=99.8%), and SAM (Pr=92.6%).  Detailed analysis of the findings, together with the underlying factors is on-going and will be shared in the May-June 2010 Nutrition Update due early July.

Nutrition Assessments Plan for June – July 2010

FSNAU and partners are conducting nutrition assessments in IDP and urban settlements of Hargeisa, Burao, Berbera, Bossaso, Garowe and Galkayo currently. Findings will be shared in the May-June Nutrition Update.  Additional nutrition surveys are scheduled for Hiran, Shabelle (including Afgoye), Juba, Gedo, Bay and Bakool regions in June-July 2010, and across all the other livelihood zones in the north from mid July 2010.  Efforts to conduct the planned nutrition surveys in Hiran have been ongoing for 1 month, but due to insecurity they have not yet commence but we hope that the situation may change so we can proceed and conduct as planned.  Training on-going for Afgoye IDP survey is on-going.

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Study on Offal consumption in Boroma, Burao and Bossaso

UNFAO/FSNAU has completed collecting data on knowledge, attitudes and practices on offal consumption in Boroma, Burao and Bossaso as part of a KAP study, and data entry is on-going. The KAP study, covered under the UNFAO’s Rapid Response Rehabilitation of Rural Livelihoods Project[1]  through World Bank funding, is part of a wider initiative to increase access of vulnerable groups, especially children and women of child bearing age, to nutritious food.  It is anticipated that the findings from the study will provide baseline upon which to assess progress, and also guide project implementers, mainly UNFAO and UNICEF, to design an appropriate nutrition education package for the targeted communities. Preliminary findings will be shared in the May-June Nutrition Update.

