2.85 million people facing food security crisis in Somalia
Issued: June 28, 2011
June 28, 2011 - FSNAU has just updated the number of people in crisis to 2.85million up from 2.4million reported in January (19% increase). The revised figures are the result of analysis done on the basis of new forecasts of the Gu harvest and its impact on the food security of the population. The overwhelming majority of the 2.85million are in the South (61% of the total population in crisis) where there is extremely limited food assistance due to insecurity. The 1.75 million people in crisis in the South include rural, urban and IDPs, an increase from 1.4million in January. Following the latest analysis poor farmers in Lower Shabelle and Bay regions are joining the numbers of people in crisis due to very poor Gu harvest outlook, aggravated by lack of carryover stocks, limited job opportunities and the record high cereal prices. For the same reasons, more urban population across the country are also facing the food security crisis.
Download the FSNAU Situation Update (PDF, 1.58MB)
Below is a breakdown of the population figures by region (Click on the table to view a larger version):-
FSNAU will update the numbers of people in food security crisis in August, following the country-wide post-harvest assessment when the full impact on the total population will be known.
Download a table of the rural population in crisis disaggregared by livelihood zones (PDF, 218KB)