Increased Malnutrition in Gedo Region

January 10th 2010

Livestock deaths in Gedo due to droughtFSNAU has just analyzed the results from 3 nutrition surveys conducted at livelihood in Gedo region in December 2010. Similar to Juba Regions survey, all 3 surveys report levels of acute malnutrition (GAM) above 25%. These results indicate a sustained Very Critical situation in the agropastoral population from 6 months ago  but a deterioration to Very Critical in the riverine and the pastoral livelihoods from 6 months ago, when results of <20% were reported. For the Pastoral livelihood rates of 26.7% GAM and 4.4% severe acute malnutrition (SAM) were reported, in the Riverine livelihood, 26.7% GAM and 6% SAM were reported and 25.3% GAM and 6.5% SAM were reported in the Agropastoral livelihood. Mortality rates in both the under 5 years of age group and the entire population were not elevated in any of the 3 surveys.

The driving factors include the underlying vulnerability to high malnutrition faced in Gedo, where rates have not dropped below 15% in the past two decades.  This is due to limited access to health services, poor infant and young child feeding practices and poor quality diets which are low in micronutrients essential for children to fight disease and promote healthy growth and development. On top of these factors, this rainy season has failed, which has reduced food at the household level, especially milk, which is one of the most important foods for children in Somalia. These results highlight a need for increased services to rehabilitate these children and increase the food access in their homes to prevent relapse.

The detailed analysis of the nutrition situation throughout Somalia will be released by FSNAU on January 28th 2011.

