E-Learning Series: Food Security Information for Action

Curriculum Description

The e-learning curriculum "Food Security Information for Action" is being delivered as part of the "EC/FAO Programme on Linking Information and Decision Making to Improve Food Security". The curriculum brings together twelve courses developed as part of the EC/FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme to support capacity development and on-the-job training at regional, national food security information systems and networks.

The following courses are included:-

  1. Food Security Information Systems and Networks
  2. Reporting Food Security Information
  3. Availability Assessment and Analysis
  4. Baseline Food Security Assessments
  5. Collaboration and Advocacy Techniques
  6. Livelihoods Assessment and Analysis
  7. Markets Assessment and Analysis
  8. Nutritional Status Assessment and Analysis
  9. Food Security Policies - Formulation and Implementation
  10. Targeting
  11. Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis

About the Programme

The "EC/FAO Programme on Linking Information and Decision Making to Improve Food Security" is based at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and funded by the European Union's "Food Security Thematic Programme (FSTP)".

Technical Specifications and Requirements for the Course

This course is delivered on a CD-ROM that requires a Microsoft Windows 98 or later operating system. The minimum system requirements to operate the CD-ROM are Pentium I or equivalent processor, 64MB RAM (128MB recommended), and 800x600 screen resolution with 16-bit colour depth. The CD-ROM contains all the software necessary for accessing and completing the lessons.

Downloading and using the CD-ROM Contents

To download the CD-ROM contents, click here to download the compressed file (ZIP, 278MB).

After downloading the file, extract its contents to an easily accessible location on your computer. You should now have a folder named 'FSIA-Course' whose contents are as shown below:-

Burn a CD of the contents, minus the containing folder; this is so that once you place the CD in your CD drive, it will automatically run. If it doesn't run automatically, double-click on the 'FSIA_en.exe' file to launch the course.

Contact Information

EC/FAO Food Security Programme
Email: information-for-action@fao.org


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